How Does The Goddess Toning Program Work?
The program comes with:
- A guide to help you tone up in a PDF format
- Workout demonstrations to ensure proper form
- Routines to follow such as cardio-strength- and abs
- A meal guide so you are set up for success after your workouts
The program only calls for workouts a few times a week. You will fully understand how to do each exercise with the demonstration videos in the membership area. There is a strong focus on the mindset of the customer as well as motivation.
The workout program is only available on the main website, and the company offers a 30-day money back guarantee on their programs. [1] The dieter will be eating real food when they are not fasting, which is nice because a lot of programs throw a large amount of supplements and shakes in your face to consume while going through the fitness routine. You will be cooking and doing the work both in the kitchen and in the gym, so get ready for that.
Pros and Cons of the Goddess Toning Program
A simple program, is a pro in my opinion. There is not a confusing manual to try and figure out. This is user friendly for women who are interested in participating. For only $69 you will be getting a guide for meals and workouts along with instructional videos. Therefore, the value is also a pro. A con is that everything is essentially on your own, because it is all online. You will be going to the gym by yourself, and creating the meals by yourself, as well as motivating yourself through the program.
Another con is that it is only available through the main website and there are no physical copies to purchase. If you don’t love an internet based program you will not like this program, let’s just say that! There are no other real red flags associated with this program as whole. Lastly, a pro is the schedule of the program. Training days are 3 times per week for 1 hour each week. This is very doable for even the most busy schedule.
Overall, this is a decent program that explains why the different diet and workout routines may or may not work for an individual. Education is at the forefront of this program, which is nice to understand what you are trying to accomplish up front. For nearly $70 this program does give the user the tools they need to lose weight and tone up, but there are others out there that do the same thing for less cost. For those of you who dislike cardio, this program encourages light cardio but it is not bad if you opt out all together. Eating two large meals and one snack in the middle of intermittent fasting is the routine while on the Goddess Toning Program, so it is doable for many people. This is a nice program that you should give a shot if you are looking for something relatively time friendly and internet based.