Synergy Medical Weight Loss Review

The 8 Key Components of Synergy Medical Weight Loss Clinics
- FDA Approved Medication: The physicians use FDA-approved medications to help reduce your cravings for calories.*
- Doctor Exam and Support During Treatment: You get one free doctor consultation, and then will be consulted along the way.*
- Nutrition and Fitness Consulting: Counseling sessions to help you understand the value to nutrition and fitness.*
- Vitamin Injections: Vitamin Injections along with Amino Acids to help energy levels. (B12 really).*
- Weight Loss Tools: Online Tools are provided to help you count calories, sleep, and exercise daily.*
- Medication Dispensed On-Site: FDA-approved diet pills are given on site to help suppress the customer’s appetite.*
- Hormone Therapy: Allows you to protect your muscles, and reset your metabolism while reducing caloric intake.*
- Testosterone Therapy: Helps set testosterone levels back to normal.*
While this all sounds extremely organized, don’t be fooled by the overpriced and over-promised services you will be given on a weekly basis. While they say they encourage healthy diet and exercise, they don’t really emphasize it. Instead, they have you sit in on a “free” consultation, which will cost you $199.00 out of pocket if you decide to sign up and cancel, and they send you home with a bag of diet pills and a B12 shot for energy. The program is extremely costly and can be thousands of dollars, depending on the program you choose.
back to menu ↑Do Dieters Lose Weight With Synergy Medical Weight Loss?
Initially, the dieter will lose weight because many of them are told to eat no more than 500 calories a day, and to take the diet pills give to them. This is a recipe for quick weight loss, and even quicker weight gain when they are off of the program. One woman said that she was suckered into paying for the program up front; they gave her a shot of B12, a bag of pills, and told her to not eat any more than 500 calories. She had a history of gallbladder issues, and she found herself in the emergency room the next week due to the shock that her body had been through. The consultation really does not keep your health issues in mind, as they really just want to get you into their office and sell you on their program. Be careful if you are thinking of joining a program such as this, and always consult your personal doctor first. Of course, only a quarter of the money was refunded, and she was charged $199.00 for the so-called “free” consultation.
Every week you are supposed to drive to the office to get your body fat tested and receive an injection of the B12 supplement. This sounds like a recipe for quick weight regain once these weekly visits stop happening, due to the lack of education that is really happening at this overpriced weight loss clinic.
back to menu ↑Is Synergy Medical Weight Loss Easy To Follow?
No, it is not easy to follow and it is extremely expensive when all is said and done. The program costs thousands of dollars, you are told to pretty much starve your body and take diet pills, as well as track your sleep and calories on their online portal. This all just seems like a big waste of time and money, as they are clearly not educating people on how to lose weight the healthy way and maintain the weight loss long term.* On top of the many program flaws that Synergy Medical Weight Loss center has shown, they are not available to everyone (only 14 states, one to five cities in the state itself). Weekly meetings and appointments are a real hassle, especially when they are simply testing your body fat and pumping you full of more diet pills. Don’t be fooled by the term “medical” that is thrown at you, as many of the people you will be working with are simply employees.
back to menu ↑Conclusion
This whole charade is a big waste of time and energy, in my book.* It is extremely expensive, not proven to give people long-term results, and inconvenient (to say the least). The reviews of the programs from outside websites are mostly negative, and their social media sites are rather barren, with little to no follower activity. When looking to sign up for the Synergy Medical Weight Loss program, all of the risk is placed on the customer. I would not recommend this program to anyone, but they are not available to everyone anyway, so we might be in luck!