It Starts With Food is a diet book written by Melissa Hartwig, who happens to be the co-founder of the Whole 30 and Whole 9 Challenges. This book really will go right along with either of these programs. It gives the reader background information on how the programs came to be. The premise of each of these challenges are to incorporate healthy foods into your diet. This not only helps one to lose weight, but gain long term health. The foods allowed on the challenges are like they sound, “whole foods”. By choosing whole foods, the book educates the reader on the power of choices and all the good that it can do. It goes into detail on how certain food items can reduce inflammation in the body, promote brain and gut health, and balance out your hormones.
The book promotes eating a grain-free and even dairy free diet for a majority of the time. This circles back to lowering the inflammation levels in the body. They present the information about changing your diet habits in a no-nonsense type of way, urging the reader to believe in themselves and their potential. Some people complain of the program being “hard” and the author just nips that in the bud. According to the author, there are a lot of other things in life that are much harder to overcome. She proceeds to name things such as beating cancer, having a baby, or even quitting drugs and alcohol if you are addicted!
How Does the It Starts With Food Diet Book Work?
It is a pretty simple model with the basic rules being:
- 30-days of no cheating
- Take away grains, vegetable oils, dairy, sugar, and other food additives that are unhealthy.
This is not too hard to overcome for just 30 days! There are no other major rules to abide by, and the book really outlines the science of why they take away certain foods in a manner that is understandable for anyone. The information is easily explained, and it resembles that of a paleo diet so if you are familiar with that diet you will not have a problem understanding the “It Starts With Food” book. [1]
back to menu ↑What Are People Saying About the It Starts With Food Diet Book?
For starters, this book is rather cheap only costing around $20.00. This book really just educates about the Whole30 diet, and also gives the reader a head start into it. The 30 stands for 30 days to complete the program, and Whole stands for real foods you will be consuming. This book is NOT the cookbook associated with the Whole30 diet program. It is a completely different purchase all together.
If you are looking to become more educated on how certain foods affect the body, then this is a good read for you. However, if you are already committed to the Whole30 program then this is not the right purchase for you!
One reader said,
“I am a science nerd and love to learn more about how our bodies work, especially the processes involving macromolecules (i.e. proteins, fats, carbs). So, this book was riveting to me. I have also done the Whole30 program and wanted to know more about reasons behind the creators’ recommendations. I think this book is well written and explains tough and intricate biological processes in a way that is easy to understand.” [2]
back to menu ↑Conclusion
The book simply states, “The food you eat either makes you more healthy or less healthy. These are your options.” As you can tell the author is not messing around and is very direct with her comments. There are not any real confusing topics that will leave you scratching your head trying to decode the message. The author and the program are very straightforward and strict for just 30 days if you are willing to commit that long. A nice read for sure. Many people have felt the purchase and time spent reading the material was worth it. I would recommend purchasing this book if you are looking for a program that will guide you toward better health. Even better, without breaking the bank!