Redotex Claims
Directly from the label—translated from Spanish—Redotex “may include several prescription components.” It admits to containing “known stimulants” – an understatement—though it says the drug is designed to speed up metabolism and curb appetite. Both understatements. You zoom and you don’t eat. But the description phrases it this way” “These two actions are common in weight loss aids, as they create a caloric deficit and can speed.” Yes, those are the exact words. And, the manufacturer admits the drug is a “tightly regulated substance currently banned in several countries.” True. [Editor note: quotes verified, but we are not including the link for obvious safety reasons] Redotex for sale? You bet. But I will not be providing a link to the Mexican drug website, though it’s easy enough to find; there’s little secret about that. But you won’t be getting it from me. Just saying. Note, too, that since Redotex is banned in the United States—and therefore not available to purchase from any U.S. retailer, online or not—the online Mexican pharmacy I located promises to “keep your medical needs private from your employer, health insurance company, and even your bank with our international pharmacy and secure anonymous credit card processing. No prescription to purchase any medicine in our pharmacy. We are a licensed pharmacy in Mexico and available to answer your questions.” And adds: “Due to the controlled medicines, this site is limited to VISA and Mastercard through money transfer services as our merchant account only allows non controlled sales.” Which, by the way, run anywhere from $150 to $350 for 20 or 30 capsules. [Editor note: quotes and price information verified, but we are not including the link for obvious safety reasons] In other words, they keep all that information to themselves so neither they nor you get arrested. The National Association of the Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) updates a list of “internet drug outlets that appear to be out of compliance with state and federal laws or NABP patient safety and pharmacy practice standards.” [1] Guess who’s on that list? There’s little doubt that an amphetamine-like drug will definitively curb your appetite, and with a laxative that’ll assuredly empty your bowels combined with a thyroid stimulant, you’ll lose weight. Maybe a lot of weight. And probably pretty quickly. The claim of efficacy is hardly in doubt. Whether you’ll survive it is another thing. Let’s take a better look at what’s in this stuff.
back to menu ↑Redotex Ingredients
Tri-iodothyronine is a thyroid hormone that doesn’t affect just your thyroid, but most of your body processes, by increasing tissue metabolic rates. So what does that mean? Triiodothyronine increases energy consumption and oxygen levels in the body. Studies in rats have shown it to metabolize fatty acids and burn stored fat. You can see why this thyroid hormone might show up in a dramatic diet pill. The problem is your heart races on this stuff ,and the dose is significant at 75 mcg. [2]
Norpseudoephedrine we already talked about. This amphetamine cousin needs little description save it’s a stimulant and will sharply curb your appetite while making you wired. [3] Atropine sulfate is another stimulant—this time a circulatory and respiratory one. It is hard to fathom the necessity of this drug, one that is administered usually via injection. Then again, it is used to slow heart rate, in addition to being an antidote for nerve agents and pesticide poisons. (Scary.) But it is also used to counteract stomach spasms, which you’ll see in a second might be needed. [4] Aloin is a stimulant laxative that creates contractions (spasms) in the colon which force bowel movements. Too much can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea and worse, electrolyte imbalances. Not nice stuff. [5] Then finally, there’s 8 milligrams of diazepam, which is a tranquilizing depressant and the ingredient in Valium. [6] One can only assume that the unorthodox combination of stimulants and depressant—in this case the strong diazepam—is to help keep you emotionally and physiologically calm while the other stimulants are cranking you up. At least that’s my informed speculation.
back to menu ↑The Science (or Lack Thereof) Behind Redotex
In 1987, the FDA issued an “Import Alert 66-35” and warning about Redotex in an effort to ebb the flow of the diet pills across the border; customs agents were told to intervene. Clinics on both sides—always busy with people seeking and getting prescriptions—were shut down, albeit for a day, and border law enforcement was on the lookout for the now-banned drugs. [7] The FDA said Redotex could pose serious and potentially fatal effects, enough so that the alert given to the media was also televised. Gwen Pace of the Dallas FDA office said Tuesday [Feb 10, 1987], “The FDA Center for Drugs and Biologics (in Washington) found the combination to be an irrational one that can cause serious and potentially fatal adverse reactions, including alteration of metabolic rates, increased heart rates, the lowering or increasing of blood pressure, loss of body electrolytes, and confusion and hallucinations.” [8] (Date added) The then-commissioner of the FDA said Mexican authorities were cooperating in helping to get a handle on the flood of the sought-after quick, though dangerously, effective weight loss compound. [8] So the government said it was bad news. And physicians and healthcare professionals warned about serious effects and possible deaths. [9] [10] But what did scientists say about this drug—or, rather, the combination of drugs in the formula, since I was unable to find an actual peer-reviewed legitimate clinical study of this specific drug? First, the combination of a stimulant with a depressant is an atypical formulation. One tells the body to speed up and the other tells it to slow down. How the body actually responds can’t always be predicted. [11] And the FDA has very specific rules governing the combination of drugs. [12] A recent study presented by two University of California San Diego researchers pointed to a medical case where a 15-year-old girl had tachycardia (irregular fast heartbeat when at rest), weakness, agitation, nausea, anxiety, shakiness and, an unexplained neck soreness. She’d taken Redotex twice on two separate days, and the combination of the drugs almost killed her. With just 2 pills: Redotex diet pills can cause immediate, profound and possibly life-threatening symptoms with even 2 doses. These pills contain a supra-therapeutic dose of T3, and are combined with stimulants that may exacerbate the thyrotoxic effects of T3, whereas valium can mask some symptoms. [13] The side effects need their own separate section. Each drug has its own set of mild to very serious side effects and when combined, can wreak havoc. With diazepam, there isn’t a side effect that’s not listed: from agitation to delusional thinking, abdominal pain to fast heartbeat, nervousness, nightmares, seizures and tremors and worse. [14] Atropine sulfate side effects are also frightening, and include hallucinations and heartbeat or pulse irregularity. [15] Too much of the thyroid hormone Tri-iodothyronine can cause hypothyroidism, which has side effects including insomnia, heart palpitations and shakiness. [16] And lastly, the dangers of non–upervised use of any drugs in the amphetamine family is well known and documented and its abuse could lead to addiction or worse. Norpseudoephedrine has possible lifelong negative effects, like dyskinesias—which may be a permanent condition defined by abnormal and involuntary muscle spasms and movements. [17] Science is not a fan. But are dieters?
back to menu ↑The Word on the Street About Redotex
You won’t find Redotex reviews on Amazon or eBay. You will find them on Reddit, and especially on the Dark Web via a Tor browser. But on the good old regular Internet, I located a couple of chat rooms and forums which aren’t too shady; they appear like regular people trying to lose weight without getting hooked on drugs or dying. Reviewer “Verwon” on MedsChat (Jan 2007) warned others that
The Bottom Line: Is Redotex Worth a Try?
Definitely, DEFNITELY NOT. As I said at the top, definitely not. Absolutely not. No. Don’t even think about it.