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Purple Carrot Review

Purple Carrot Review
8.3 Total Score
  • Vegan based meals with healthy ingredients
  • An easy out if you are not happy with the service
  • Free shipping
  • A fresh way to look at vegan eating
Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you have tried to eat strictly Vegan meals, then you are well aware at the time and prep work it takes to be successful day in and day out. Vegan food is hard to find when dining out, and believe it or not the grocery store can seem daunting too if you do not know what you are looking for. There is good news. Purple Carrot is a meal kit subscription service that specializes in bringing Vegan food right to your front door. Similar to other meal kits, depending on how many meals you pay for a week, determines the amount of food the company ships out to you.

Founder Andy Levitt started Purple Carrot after he was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, due to the amount of pain he was in and the failure medicine was doing for his body. He believes that plants have the power to heal the body, as well as the world we live in. By creating Purple Carrot, it gives those a chance to try out a vegan lifestyle less all of the confusion that goes along with it. [1]

How Does Purple Carrot Work?

There are a few different packages to look into and I will expand on them below.

Quick and Easy: “Simple dishes designed to cook in 30 minutes or less.”

High Protein: “Protein packed meals built to energize.”

Chef’s Choice: “Gourmet dishes crafted to elevate your taste buds.” [2]

Each of the meals cost $12 per plate, and $72.00 per week for three meals/ two people and will vary is you go up to four people. So first and foremost you will pick a plan, and then you will view the menu options for the plan you chose. Some examples from the high protein/ quick and easy menu: SEITAN SHAWARMA
with Quick Pickles & Lemon Yogurt, TOFU CACCIATORE with Cremini Mushrooms & Crispy Kale Chips, SWEET AND SPICY CURRY with Kashmiri Chile & Warm Chapati Bread, and BUTTERNUT SQUASH GNOCCHI with Cranberries & Herb Butter. [3]

If you are interested in purchasing the TB 12 Performance Meal Plan it will cost around $78 a week feeding 1-2 people. The main difference with this plan is simply that it is gluten free meals, lower in processed sugars, and less soy ingredients compared to the other purple carrot meals.

Once you have chosen your program you will then set up a shipping cadence for how often you want them shipped to you. Each Wednesday, new menus for the upcoming week are posted to your account so you can take a look at the different food options available. You can either customize your meals for the week, or have the chefs pick for you. If you want to skip a week, pause your account, or cancel there are no problems.

The Bottom Line
Pick your plan, customize (or don’t) your menu, and have the meals delivered. You can operate all of the details in your account settings.
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Is Purple Carrot Safe?

All of the ingredients are GMO free, ethically sourced and for the most part organic. This is a safe company to invest your dollar into if you are feeling like you have the extra cash. Sure, shopping at the grocery store is much more cost effective but it is not as convenient. Safe? Yes, these meals and the company are a safe bet!

The Bottom Line
Yes, this company is safe. Their business practices are ethical, and they source their food from honest locations.
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Pros and Cons of Purple Carrot

As with anything there are going to be both pros and cons depending on which angle you are viewing it from. Let’s start with the pros.


  • Vegan based meals with healthy ingredients
  • An easy out if you are not happy with the service
  • Free shipping
  • A fresh way to look at vegan eating


  • Let’s face it you are going to need to buy other groceries on top of the 3 meals per week you are getting for $78 dollars.
  • Not all recipes are beginner friendly, so there is room for error on the cook’s part.
  • There are only two options to choose from regarding meal size: 2 people 3 meals, 4 people 2 meals. What about the people who only need 1 person? Or the ones who need 6?
The Bottom Line
There are pros and cons with Purple Carrot, but one of the biggest cons is simply the price as it is not cheap. You will have to do other grocery shopping on top of the meal service so it could uptick your monthly food costs substantially.
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This is a fresh and rejuvenating way to think about eating Vegan food. I have a friend who is a vegan, and she is constantly home bound when it comes to food because there are very few restaurants who accommodate a vegan diet. This will give the customer a new chance at trying out new recipes whether it is at their own home, or at a friend’s house! The company doesn’t give many options for meals to people portions but they are successful still. Overall, they have a nice concept with tasty meals that have gotten approval from the customers that have tried it out.

8.3 Total Score
Purple Carrot Scorecard

  • Vegan based meals with healthy ingredients
  • An easy out if you are not happy with the service
  • Free shipping
  • A fresh way to look at vegan eating
  • Let’s face it you are going to need to buy other groceries on top of the 3 meals per week you are getting for $78 dollars.
  • Not all recipes are beginner friendly, so there is room for error on the cook’s part.
  • There are only two options to choose from regarding meal size: 2 people 3 meals, 4 people 2 meals. What about the people who only need 1 person? Or the ones who need 6?
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