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Plated Review

Plated Review
7.8 Total Score
  • Easy to follow recipes with perfectly portioned out ingredients.
  • The recipes are tasty, and the customer gets to choose their recipes for the week.
  • Meals usually take around 30 minutes from start to finish.
  • Convenient
Reading Time: 3 minutesFounded by Nick Taranto in 2012, Plated is a meal kit delivery service that provides the customer with the exact ingredients and instructions they need to prepare a meal quick and easy at home. As with many of the meal services, you will pay per meal or through the specific plan that you choose. Plated offers the customer the choice to choose the exact recipes they want sent to them (finally), as well as a flexible subscription schedule that can be cancelled, skipped, or swapped when needed. The dishes come in two, three, or four serving sizes and can be obviously adjusted if needed. Plated was recently sold to the grocery store chain Albertsons for over $300 million dollars, and they still provide the same service to the customer as they did years prior. [1]

How Does Plated Work?

As with many of the meal kit systems such as Blue Apron, Purple Carrot, or Hello Fresh the model is the same all across the board. The customer will first fill out a food profile and hand over their e-mail so that they can get their account started up. Plated works the same way (kind of) as they first want you to choose how many servings per week you are needing.


  • 2 Servings per night (2,3,4) nights per week $11.95 per serving
  • 3 Servings per night (2,3,4) nights per week $9.95 per serving
  • 4 servings per night (2,3,4) nights per week $9.95 per serving [2]


  • 2 servings 2 nights per week: $47.80, 2 servings 3 nights: $71.70, 2 servings 4 nights: $95.60
  • 3 servings 2 nights per week: $59.70, 3 servings 3 nights: $89.55, 3 servings 4 nights: $119.40
  • 4 servings 2 nights per week: $79.60, 4 servings 3 nights: $119.40, 4 servings 4 nights: $159.20

There is always free shipping for orders over $60 and the first time you order you will get 25% off of your first month. Once you choose the plan you want, it will prompt you to choose the exact recipes you want to receive each week. There are over 20 weekly recipes to choose from, as well as dessert.

Recipe Examples

Sweet Corn and Potato Chowder, Cuban Beef Picadillo, Pimiento Grilled Cheese, Chicken Fettuccine, Soy- Glazed Steak, Salmon Radish and Quinoa Bowls, and Prosciutto pizza. [3]

The Bottom Line
Plated offers the customer to choose the exact recipes they want, which is different than most meal delivery services. Price wise it is pretty comparable to their competitors, and any orders over $60 the shipping will come free.
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Is Plated Safe?

The company says this about their food:

“We provide 100% antibiotic-free meats, beef with no added hormones, and seasonal, hand-packed produce from trusted purveyors. We also include organic produce, locally sourced ingredients, and sustainably sourced fish whenever possible.” [4]

As you can tell the food is safe, and the practices of the company are safe too. When looking into the sticking point about their boxes and trash being recyclable, they had an answer for that too. All of their packaging minus some of the plastic holding the small amount of spices can be recycled. There is no danger to the environment either, which makes me happy! There is nothing dangerous about this company or really any of the meal delivery kit companies out there today. Just make sure the food is properly refrigerated upon arrival to your home (as you would with normal groceries) and you should be good to go.

The Bottom Line
Plated is safe, and their boxes and packaging are all recyclable.
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Pros and Cons of Plated

When looking into the functionality of Plated, there are pros as well as some cons that might deter some customers. Let’s take a dive into the pros first.


  • Easy to follow recipes with perfectly portioned out ingredients.
  • The recipes are tasty, and the customer gets to choose their recipes for the week.
  • Meals usually take around 30 minutes from start to finish.
  • Convenient


  • You are not likely to have any leftovers for the next day.
  • Much more expensive than simply grocery shopping for your meals.
  • It’s a subscription so if you forget to edit your order, choose your recipes, or pause your meals you will get charged.
The Bottom Line
There are no major cons to deter someone away from investing in this meal kit subscriptions. Major pro is the fact that the customer can choose their own recipes, which is unlike many of their competitors. The major con is the cost associated with Plated.
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Overall, Plated it a stand up service that provides the best meals possible for the paying customer. They offer vegetarian and gluten free options, as well as desserts too. The cost is going to be painful for some as for two simple meals (with no leftovers) you will be paying right around $50.00. If you are in need of a meals shipped to your door, this is a good option because you can pick the exact recipes you want versus leaving it up to chance and letting the company decide for you.

7.8 Total Score
Plated Scorecard

  • Easy to follow recipes with perfectly portioned out ingredients.
  • The recipes are tasty, and the customer gets to choose their recipes for the week.
  • Meals usually take around 30 minutes from start to finish.
  • Convenient
  • You are not likely to have any leftovers for the next day.
  • Much more expensive than simply grocery shopping for your meals.
  • It’s a subscription so if you forget to edit your order, choose your recipes, or pause your meals you will get charged.
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