Metabolism Revolution is a diet book was written by an author named Haylie Pomroy. The cover promises at least 14 pounds of weight loss in 14 days! That is bold, and courageous to claim big things on the cover of the book, so she must be confident in her system. Haylie is known as a “celebrity trainer” as well as an author. She has worked with stars like Reese Witherspoon and Robert Downey Jr.. The basis of the book is to channel the power of food in a positive way. Reset your metabolism so that your body starts to naturally lose weight. Haylie is also the author of a famous book called, “The Fast Metabolism Diet”. She believes that food is medicine, and will recommend certain food groups that help to kick start your stalled metabolism.
How Does The Metabolism Revolution Work?
This book comes with at least 60 different recipes to try, meal maps, shopping lists, and information from the author in regards to your metabolism. [1] The program lasts for a total of 28 days. Over the course of the 4 weeks,there are three different phases involved.
According to She Knows,
“Pomroy forbids wheat, corn, dairy, soy, refined sugar, dried fruit and fruit juices.” [2]
Phase 1
Monday & Tuesday: This first part of the week you will be eating healthy carbs and fruit.
Phase 2
Wednesday & Thursday: The middle of the week you will load up on veggies and protein.
Phase 3
Friday-Sunday: This is the burn phase where you will eat all of the above plus healthy fats and oils.
The book will give you more specific guidelines on the portions, number of proteins, fruits, and veggies you should be eating. There are also a few sample menu days so you can have an idea on how to get started. Organic produce can be expensive, but if you can purchase this type of food, then do so.
Pros and Cons of The Metabolism Revolution
The book itself is relatively cheap, with little to no hidden fees coming through on the main website. This is a pro. One of the cons is Haylie’s main website promotions. Expensive supplements, programs, and memberships are thrown in your face. These supplements and memberships are not required to get through the Metabolism Revolution, but they are an option. Her busy website makes it seem as if enough is never enough, and more money will be poured into her programs if you stick with her regime.
One customer said,
“I couldn’t wait for this book release and I am left terribly disappointed. Not only is an ingenious marketing ploy to sell her shakes, website access, brand mixes etc. It also has me fine tuning my editing skills, with approx. 80 errors in print, I find this completely unacceptable.” [3]
At first glance, the book seems promising with a highly accredited author and a line of other successful books previously written. When you get down to it, this book is all about pushing her line of supplements and memberships. Sure, she gives you some meal plans and shopping lists but they have been said to be wrong. This is an issue that has left the dieter both confused and out some money on groceries. Weight loss has been seen, but not at the rate that the book promises to the reader. Costing around $20.00, this book might not seem like a big investment, but it could take you down a road that will cost much more money in your future.