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The Ketogenic Bible Review

The Ketogenic Bible Review
8.5 Total Score
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe Ketogenic Bible is a diet book about maintaining a constant state of ketosis, and it was written by Jacob Wilson and Ryan Lowery in August of 2017. The book talks about the ever famous ketogenic diet and how to go through it properly. It is more or less a guide to go along with the diet plan. Better known as the “Ketogenic Resource”, this book takes the reader through action items on how to get started on the diet, as well as valuable information they might want to know. The book can be found at many large retailers like Barnes and Noble, Target, and Amazon. Its retail cost is anywhere from $30.00-$40.00, and the return policy really depends on where you purchase it from.   To get started, what exactly is the ketogenic diet plan? It is simply a low carbohydrate, high fat and protein diet. There are many resources out there today that can help you get started on the diet plan, but comprehensive books like this are helpful too. Many people get started on the ketogenic diet, and it is all for a number of reasons. For some people they might battle with epilepsy, and their doctor recommended the diet for health reasons. For others, it might simply be because they want to get healthier overall and lower their body mass index. [1]

The Ketogenic Bible Reviews

There have been several independent reviews done on this book; therefore, I wanted to summarize their words. When dieting and looking to up your performance with the foods you are eating, this book will guide you and give you the information you need to reach your goals. Overall, the keto diet is a clean diet that promotes healthy fats in your daily meals. Instead of running from them, you are running toward them to see pounds come off. The book comes with a variety of keto recipes, so you will not be confused and left with no ideas. There are more than 75 recipes inside of the book, so you can thumb through them to see which of them appeals to you.   One reviewer was sent the book, and in return she was to give a review on how well she liked it. Well, being a fitness and nutritionist lover herself, this book spoke to her and she was on board after getting through with it. The book includes science and research with every single conclusion being summed up with the most current study. These studies made the reader/reviewer feel confident in the information she was reading and applying to her everyday life. She also liked the fact that she could get topics cleared up that were typically confused with true facts. [2]  Another reviewer was sent over this book by the authors a few days after it launched for free, as they wanted a detailed review written on the book once it was finished being read. This reviewer breaks down the chapters nicely to explain the nuts and bolts of its content. One of the things the reviewer liked the best was the visuals that were done throughout the ketogenic health book, because it made it easier to identify with. There is no doubt that allowing your body to get into a state of ketosis will take time, discipline, and knowledge too. This is where the book comes into play with its scientific performance based information. Another tip this reader liked was the amount of action items that the book conveyed to the reader. It is one thing to read a book, and then another to act on it.   In chapter one, it is breaking down the basics of ketosis. To understand the book, you need to understand what ketosis means. According to Perfect Keto,

“Basically, the purpose of the ketogenic diet is to force the body into burning fats instead of carbohydrates. Those who follow it eat a diet that contains high amounts of fat, moderate amounts of protein, and low levels of carbohydrates.” [3]

Chapter two talks about the past, present, and ultimately the future of ketogenic diets and how they have evolved over time. In this chapter, there are a lot of myths that are unpacked, and truths that are highlighted.   Chapter three simply talks about how you should construct your keto diet to work for your lifestyle. The macro ingredients are broken down for the reader, and the meal frequency is outlined making it really user friendly and understandable. In chapter four, it focuses on how to supplement with ketones, which is really how the book originally got its start. If you are a biochemistry lover, this section will appeal most to you. Chapter five is more or less research and proof from many different articles and studies the authors have looked into and some they’ve even been a part of. It covers topics like how to lose weight with diabetes, and other health problems as well.  Chapter six explains exactly how to start doing a ketogenic diet, so this chapter is very important for putting your reading into action. It covers how many calories you should go for each day, as well as any small questions that are usually asked by first time ketogenic diet goers. Chapter seven talks about cooking, and how it is important to your success on the diet. The diet really starts in the kitchen, so this section is extremely helpful to say the least. Even if you are a regular in the kitchen, this chapter does provide some tips and tricks for the keto diet that will be helpful when starting up.   Chapter eight is the recipes chapter, with many different ideas to get you started on the right foot. The recipes come with large and colorful pictures so you are not left in the dark on how your meal “should look”, especially for the newbies in the kitchen. Finally, chapter nine is the FAQ section where you can get a majority of your questions answered. Whether you skip to chapter nine as you read or save your questions for later, it can be really helpful for clearing up any confusion you might have throughout the reading process. [4]  Carrie D. (2017, 5 star),  

“This book is extremely well written and is broken down so you don’t have to be a genius to understand it. I absolutely love this diet and the recipes are amazing. This diet has been a life changer and now with the help of this book I look forward to losing even more weight since I have a better understanding how the diet works. Thank you Will W and Kara for all your help and support. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING!” [5
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The Bottom Line: Is The Ketogenic Bible Worth A Read?

Yes. This book has been popular among many people, and it was just recently released. They are not promising quick and effortless weight loss, rather they are educating the reader on how to become healthier overall. This book has been said to have more recipes than information (with over 75 to choose from), and that was one of the only complaints along with the price. With that many recipes, it can be great for some people, and not so great for others looking for a “bible” of information. [6] Overall though, the customer voices were positive and encouraging when talking about how they found success with getting through the book and applying it to their own life.

8.5 Total Score
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