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Iaso Tea Review

Iaso Tea Review
5.5 Total Score
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Iaso Tea Overview

Iaso Tea is an herbal detox cleanse tea blend, created by Total Life Changes LLC and Dr. Bill Miller, said to help with weight loss, total detoxification, and slimming in problem areas. They have a regular tea in bags, to be steeped, or they offer an instant tea for on the go.

There are no clinical studies cited by TLC as to why the specific ingredients in the formula help one with weight loss

A one-month supply of instant tea packets (60-count) costs $60.00 on the company webshop, or a 5-pack of gallon-mix teabags (each gallon lasts you about a week) runs $50.00 before shipping and handling. [1]

You can also buy from TLC “affiliates” or on eBay (which is likely also affiliate-related). Amazon has it as well, though there was some chatter in the reviews that the particular product being sold on Amazon was actually a knockoff, so not sure on that one. The offsite prices run plus-or-minus ten dollars from the TLC site.

Total Life Changes, LLC, has been around since 2003, and has had a Better Business Bureau profile for 13 of the 14 years it’s been in business. In the time it’s racked up 213 customer complaints (that’s just the ones to the BBB), and 22 customer reviews—18 of them negative. As a result, they have a B-minus rating. [2]

Company Contact Information: Total Life Changes, LLC: 6094 Corporate Dr., Fair Haven, MI 48023. Customer Service: 1 (888) 873-1898. [2]

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Iaso Tea Claims

The #1 detox tea and top-five direct selling product in the world

Iaso® Tea is a unique, all-natural blend of herbs. This daily cleansing tea is designed to flush harmful toxins from the upper and lower intestines.

Our blend is designed to produce herbal slimming effects within a few days of enjoying the beverage. Sustained use may improve physical energy and mental clarity as body toxins are flushed from the intestines. [3]

Important ingredients

“…If your goal is to detox your system, don’t waste your time or money.”

Blessed Thistle

Blessed Thistle is prepared as a tea and is commonly used to combat loss-of-appetite and indigestion. It has been used as a diuretic to increase urine output and is also believe to be useful in the treatment of colds, coughs, fevers, and bacterial infections.


Papaya leaf tea has historically been used in tropical regions to treat many ailments. Tea made from this plant may be of benefit in the healing of gastric ulcers and is believed to reduce hydrogen peroxide (a marker for oxidative damage).


Myrrh, in the scientific nomenclature, is referred to as Commiphora Myrrha and is native to Egypt. Its health benefits are often attributed to its properties as an antimicrobial, astringent, expectorant, and stimulant. [3]

Their return policy is a bit unique is one instance:

Due to the nature of the Total Life Changes business, the accessibility of our products immediately upon purchase, and the monthly commissions paid out to our affiliates, there is a strict 30-day return policy which begins on the date of your purchase. Therefore, we will not accept any refund requests after 30-days of doing business. If the original purchase included a free trial period, you must cancel your order before the free trial period has expired or within 30-days of the original purchase or whichever time period is greater.

Refunds within the 30-day grace period are not automatically applied with any cancellation requests. Thirty days is equal to thirty calendar days.

If a Refund is Processed

If a purchase is refunded for any reason, it is understood that the purchaser was not satisfied with the product or service and we may permanently refuse any future sales to that purchaser. If the purchase is refunded due to a duplicate transaction or similar, the refusal of future purchases may be null and void at our discretion. [4] (emphasis added)

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Iaso Tea Ingredients

Persimmon Leaves, Holy Thistle, Malva Leaves, Marsh Mallow, Blessed Thistle, Papaya, Ginger, Chamomile, and Myrrh. [3]

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The Science (or Lack Thereof) Behind Iaso Tea

There are no clinical studies cited by TLC as to why the specific ingredients in the formula help one with weight loss, overall wellness, or effective cleansing. The formula was created by a doctor, but the ingredients you see above are not your typical weight loss ingredients. So let’s take a look at them.

The taste of the tea was fine, but it made me sick and uncomfortable for about a week. I really wish I hadn’t ordered a one-month supply.

Blessed thistle and holy thistle are essentially the same plant—why they choose to double it up is beyond me—and is commonly used to alleviate many different ailments. Once called a cure-all, it’s now more commonly used for digestive issues, increasing a nursing mother’s milk supply, and increasing circulation throughout the body. [5]

Papayas are best known for being a natural diuretic (increases urine production), and also help with digestion problems like blessed thistle. [6]

Chamomile has been used for centuries as a sleep aid and for upset stomach. Because it carries laxative effects and can protect the intestines from certain toxins, it serves as a cleansing agent. [7]

There have been several independent clinical studies done on myrrh and how it can combat inflammation in the body. Myrrh is typically used to treat patients with different inflammatory diseases, like ulcerative colitis, which attacks the intestines and causes frequent loose and watery stool. An animal study published in 2016 in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine found that “These results suggest that myrrh has an anti-inflammatory and protective role against colon weight increase and gastric mucus depletion.” [8]

With natural laxatives and the cure-all herbs present, this is more a cleansing tea than an actual weight loss tea. And “detox/cleanse” substances don’t really have the best reputation in terms of the science. From WebMD:

If your goal is weight loss, a detox diet might help you drop a few pounds, but you’ll likely just gain it back. In the end, you haven’t accomplished anything, and it’s certainly not a healthy approach.

If your goal is to detox your system, don’t waste your time or money. Your body is an expert at getting rid of toxins no matter what you eat. Toxins don’t build up in your liver, kidneys, or any other part of your body, and you’re not going to get rid of them with the latest detox wonder.

The only type of detox diet that is worthwhile is one that limits processed, high-fat, and sugary foods, and replaces them with more whole foods like fruits and vegetables. That clean-eating approach is your best bet to getting your body in tip-top shape. [9]

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Word On The Street About Iaso Tea

There were many Iaso tea reviews to look into. Many of the customers felt like this was a laxative tea (which the ingredients will back up). No one claimed it will suppress your appetite just by sipping it each day, but it will force you into the bathroom to clean out your intestines, which will in turn cause temporary weight loss. There are no harmful ingredients, and the side effects noted were slight.

“DFW” (2017, 5 stars) said,

“It definitely works! My husband lost 20 lbs and I’ve lost 10. I also suggest to change your diet and you will lose more weight.” [10]

“…Any weight you lose due to the laxative effects will come right back.”

“dana” (2017, 4 stars) commented,

“It works along with a healthy diet. Has no taste so easy to just drink it down and be done. If you use this only for weight loss it won’t work. Diet and portion control. I was disappointed that I paid so much and only could use 3 of the 4. One whole package had a hole in the tea bag so unable to use.” [11]

“Charlotte Furrow” (2015, 3 stars) said,

“Ok, nothing spectacular. I didn’t notice and real change in my weight. It made me have to use the restroom frequently, so if you’re using it as cleanse I guess that’s good.” [12]

“Ms. Pleasant” (2015, 2 stars) said,

“The taste of the tea was fine, but it made me sick and uncomfortable for about a week. I really wish I hadn’t ordered a one-month supply. I’d suggest trying one week first.” [13]

If you already have intestinal problems, you should talk to your doctor before you try a tea like Iaso Tea. It is also not recommended that pregnant women take this tea for a variety of reasons. TLC recommends drinking an 8 oz. cup of tea with both dinner and lunch, and a 4 oz. glass with a snack is optional if needed.

As far as all those Better Business Bureau complaints, the vast majority of them didn’t have the details available. I did find one that specifically mentioned Iaso Tea and was a complaint about non-delivery of product.

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The Bottom Line: Is Iaso Tea Worth A Try?

Depends.If you believe in detoxes, this seems to be a gentler one. But it’s not a weight loss miracle by any means. Any weight you lose due to the laxative effects will come right back. This one’s a bit on the pricey side, as with most affiliate and direct-marketing setups, and there do seem to have been some problems in the past with the order-to-delivery process. But if you can afford it and be prepared to troubleshoot customer issues as they come up, this might be worth a shot.

5.5 Total Score
Iaso Tea Scorecard

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