Hydroxycut Hardcore Claims
Right off the bat they state this product is meant for “hardcore” weight loss, but what does this actually entail? Because it is loaded with caffeine, it is supposed to give you the energy so that you can lose weight. So what is the energy proven weight loss ingredient that they are raving about when it comes to Hydroxycut Hardcore results? Caffeine. They claim, “This potent formula contains a proven energy-enhancing ingredient (caffeine anhydrous) that’s been shown in scientific studies to deliver energy after just one dose.” [1] Another ingredient they speak about, “Formulated with a scientifically researched key weight loss ingredient (C. canephorarobusta), Hydroxycut Hardcore has been designed to help you achieve the significant weight loss results you’ve been looking for!” Their instructions for use are:
“To assess your tolerance, for the first day, take 1 capsule once daily. On days 2 and 3, take 2 capsules once daily. On day 4 and beyond, take 2 capsules twice daily, 30 to 60 minutes before your two largest meals (e.g., breakfast and lunch). Do not snack between meals. For best results, use for 60 days combined with diet and training.” [1]
The rest of the claims involve the study that was done to prove these two key ingredients really “work” for weight loss and energy, which I will get into later on. The amount of caffeine present in one 8 oz. cup of coffee is around 95 mg, which is an average cup of coffee. [2] As you will see below, there is over 135 mg in just one small capsule.
back to menu ↑Hydroxycut Hardcore Ingredients
There are two different hardcore products you can choose from: Hydroxycut Hardcore or Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite. The difference between the two are a few ingredients like cayenne pepper, cocoa extract/theobromine, coleus extract, l-tyrosine, l-methionine, l-leucine, and trans-ferulic acid. Hydroxycut Hardcore: Pyroxyclene Anhydranine Blend 370mg, Caffeine anhydrous 270 mg, L-theanine, Cayenne pepper, Yohimbacore Robusta 256 mg, Green Coffee Extract, Yohimbe Extract, Norepidrol L-TML Blend 130 mg: L-tyrosine, L-methionine, L-leucine, and Trans-ferulic acid. Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite: Caffeine anhydrous 270 mg, Green Coffee Extract 200 mg, Coleus Extract 100 mg, L-theanine 100mg, Cocoa Extract/theobromine 100 mg, and Yohimbe extract 56 mg. Regarding the ELITE formula with Coleus Extract, Yohimbe, and L-Theanine, the company claims,
“A combination of potent ingredients that contribute to a one-of-a kind sensory experience.” [3]
In either formula you choose, the main factor that ties to weight loss is the caffeine present. This will produce short term results, and is not good for your health in the long run. If you are taking any medication, are pregnant, or nursing, it is best to clear taking this pill with your doctor before assuming it is okay.
back to menu ↑The Science (or Lack Thereof) Behind Hydroxycut Hardcore
The big question is does Hydroxycut Hardcore work? On the website they claim that there are two studies that prove this diet pill is effective. When looking into the first study, there was a lot of talk about Svetol. As explained in the study, this name is in reference to a green coffee extract. There was a group of 50 people selected with a BMI of 25 or greater. The group was split into two, with one group getting a placebo pill, and the other receiving the green coffee extract. The study lasted for 60 days, and the pills were taken twice a day for this time period. The results were 5.7% BMI reduction compared to 2.9% reduction with the placebo group. [4] The second study was also regarding the green coffee extract, Svetol. I decided to look through outside studies about particular ingredients like Coleus Extract, which is also known as Coleus Forskohlii and has high traces of forskolin in it. Is it effective for weight loss since it is included in the elite formula? In a study found in the NCBI, they were looking into the actual effects on body mass when it came to taking this particular ingredient. They studied 23 females for 12 weeks, and gave them either a placebo pill or the Coleus extract, otherwise known as CF. The results were, “Results suggest that CF does not appear to promote weight loss, but may help mitigate weight gain in overweight females with apparently no clinically significant side effects.” [5] This ingredient is not impressive at all, which is unsettling when looking at the elite formula. The other ingredient aside from caffeine that Hydroxycut claims helps with weight loss is C. canephora robusta, which is a fancy word for robusta coffee. Yet again, another form of caffeine. It is extremely high on the caffeine meter, which makes it a good candidate to add to this stimulating diet pill. There have been many different studies done on this ingredient, but most of them in the short term, which really does not predict its effectiveness long term. According to Today’s Dietician,
“These trials, they noted, were heterogeneous, consisted of very small sample sizes (the total number of participants was approximately 150 among the three studies), and short in duration, which makes drawing conclusions about the long-term efficacy of the extract imprudent.” [6]
Another big word for caffeine with the same side effects. Does Hydroxycut Hardcore have side effects? If you are sensitive to caffeine, yes, it will give you side effects like headaches and jitters.
back to menu ↑Word On The Street About Hydroxycut Hardcore
So what exactly was the word when looking at Hydroxycut Hardcore reviews from actual customers aside from the main website? It was a mix, and some people just could not handle the amount of caffeine present in the product. It led to migraine headaches, complete jitters to the point where they could not stand, and sleeplessness. It is not healthy to consume more than 400 mg of caffeine each day, and when you take Hydroxycut Hardcore you will be consuming over double the recommended amount. Side effects are more than likely to occur, so let’s see what the customers had to say. Julie (5.25.2017, 1 star) said,
The Bottom Line: Is Hydroxycut Hardcore Worth A Try?
Risky. Even though this weight loss pill is cheap, accessible, and colorfully packaged, it does not mean it is worth the time and money. According to the Mayo Clinic, 400 mg is the maximum you should consume of caffeine per day if you have to consume any at all. [10] When you take Hydroxycut Hardcore you will be exceeding that amount every single day and then some. It is not worth the nasty side effects like headaches, tremors, irritability, fast heartbeat, and stomachaches for a decrease in calorie consumption and more energy. The entire idea behind this diet pill is simply to give your body more energy so that you can move more and burn fat. Whether you are looking into the Elite formula or the hardcore formula, it is going to give you the same short-term results with side effects.