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Booty Maxx Review

Booty Maxx Review
6.2 Total Score
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Is Booty Maxx Worth A Try?

Problematic.Inexpensive, compact, and nifty-looking—but flimsy, according to customer reviews. There are other resistance band systems on the market, just as compact, at reasonable prices, but far more durable and offering the versatility to really work your whole body, not just your glutes. Points for including a workout video and reminding folks that diet comes into play along with exercise, but really not worth the purchase.

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Word on the Street about Booty Maxx

Because this product is readily available on Amazon, there were plenty of customer reviews to read through. Though not overly expensive, the product received an overall mediocre score from its buying customers—2.9 out of 5 stars—which is not convincing when looking to invest your money.

Denese C.” said,

In short if used correctly with proper form this can be effective, can be a good equipment but needs to be modified. The one and only thing I can positively say is that I do like the fact that it can be stored easily. CONS: I feel that it lacks stability in 2 areas: The handles are not firm enough it feels flimsy probably a heavier material would have been better. The biggest flaw is the base it is way too light needed to be heavier in weight while doing some of the exercise it tends to move making that flaw a big issue.

Sherry St. Pierre” said,

This was a great idea but cheaply made. I read other reviews before purchasing and thought I would take a chance. I used it for about 2 weeks and the resistant band snapped in half. There was no way to fix it and I couldn’t find where I could replace the band so the whole thing went back.

Judy DeLaRosa” said,

VERY POOR QUALITY – After using as instructed for only 3 weeks, I initially noticed small tears in the band where it goes around the center. I now see that it’s ripped and barely connected where the band connects to the handle / ankle band. I am so glad I noticed that as if I had not and it broke while I was using it I’m sure I could have been injured (especially when doing the upper body workouts where you are pulling it towards your chin!). I was very careful every time I used this and followed the instructions exactly so it is not related to misuse. Also the base is too light, doesn’t provide necessary support. I believe the overall design makes sense, just needs to be constructed with higher quality materials. I am giving it 2 stars instead of one as I am starting to see results, too bad I can’t continue to use it.

Like these purchasing customers, the main complaints centered on the fact that the product was cheaply made and not sturdy enough to last long term. Many people felt the board would not even hold their weight, let alone last long enough for them to get a decent workout in, and the upright pole gave no support at all. Because of the structure of the board—which does not allow you to increase the resistance level, and the band supplied is a lightweight beginner level—you will be kicking your leg back for quite some time to really feel a burn. 30 minutes per workout is the consensus for actual results, but the Booty Maxx may not last you through a workout.

Also noted was the fact the company does not clearly specify that Booty Maxx has a maximum weight limitation of 220 pounds (100 Kilograms).

While I like the fact that Booty Maxx is trying to promote better health overall, offering a workout DVD and nutritional guide along with the board, the problem lies in the actual durability in the product you are buying, as many of the resistance bands are snapping on customers. A lot of people were left wondering if they should just purchase resistance bands by themselves and be done with the hassle of Booty Maxx.

Booty Maxx is a body-sculpting device available for purchase on both infomercials and websites like Amazon. It is best known for its “As Seen On TV” commercials, where you will see a woman standing on a board, holding a handle, kicking her leg to the side and behind with a resistance band attached to her ankle. Tekno Products, which produces this strength resistance product, offers a 30-day money back guarantee on their product if you are not satisfied with its effectiveness.

Customer service: 844-519-7276 or bootymax@webcsr.info [1]

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Booty Maxx Claims

Shapes & Lifts Your Booty* … 7 Simple Exercises Transform Your Booty From Flat To Fabulous* … Amazing Results … Multi Directional Resistance: Works a full range of muscle motions providing you with a maximum workout for more calorie burn … Compact & Self-Storing: Booty Maxx neatly stores within the bottom of the deck and easily fits under a bed or sofa or inside a drawer or closet … Replaces Bulky Expensive Equipment: Booty Maxx works all the major muscle groups just like more expensive bulky equipment … *-Please note that your experiences and results may differ. [1]

Using multi-directional resistance technology, the Booty Maxx device also comes with a workout guide, a nutrition guide, and a workout DVD to follow. Their main website has a special offer which coincides with their “As Seen On TV” offer, two payments of $19.95 ($40 total). The Deluxe offer—which will give you the Booty Maxx board, with 4 additional bands—two payments of $29.95 ($60 total). Plus shipping and handling of $13.99. They also offer, as additional purchases, exercise pants with a big heart stitched around the booty area, and a Booty Armband for your phone or MP3 player. Delivery time is 4-6 weeks.

You can also order Booty Maxx on Amazon for $17.99 (as of 5/24/17), shipping not included, which seems to be the better route to purchase. You will get the nutritional guide and the workout DVD along with the board, but no workout guide.

The company makes the product comfortable with padded straps to go along your ankle, so no chafing should occur while you are working out.

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The Science (or Lack Thereof) Behind Booty Maxx

Resistance training is based on the principle that muscles of the body will work to overcome a resistance force when they are required to do so. When you do resistance training repeatedly and consistently, your muscles become stronger. [2]

Resistance training has always been recommended to tone and shape muscles, as well as burn fat overall and help in weight management. Muscle groups can be targeted with resistance training; fat loss cannot. But the fact you’re moving your body in the first place is going to burn calories, and hopefully burning enough of them the fat goes as well. So the science behind Booty Max is sound. It does target mostly the gluteus muscles (bottom, tush), quadriceps, and calf muscles, but those same exercises can aid in hip movement and leg strength. It offers a resistance band in the handle to work upper body as well, but the main target is those glutes. [5]

6.2 Total Score
Booty Maxx Scorecard

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