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Beachbody ActiVit Review

Beachbody ActiVit Review
Reading Time: 3 minutesActiVit is a daily vitamin from Beachbody.com’s line of nutritional supplements. It is meant to enhance your physical and mental wellness, as well as increase your bone strength and stimulate the immune system.* In total it contains 22 essential vitamins and minerals to help you better your overall health. This product is not meant to be a weight loss product, but rather a wellness product.* The company scored an A+ with the Better Business Bureau, see it here.

The one hitch to this vitamin for active people is simply the billing system within the company. You must be on an auto ship program to take this vitamin, which seems a bit overkill to me. You can always call Beachbody to cancel the membership at any time before they ship another set of vitamins out to you. When calling into their customer support center they were obviously prompt to answer the phone and make a sale right then and there. I simply wanted to learn more about the program, but just be aware that this is how they make their money.

The Ingredients In The ActiVit Vitamin

Vitamin A,C,D,E,K2,B1,B2, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Pantothentic Acid, Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, and Molybdenum.*

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Do Dieters Lose Weight On The ActiVit Vitamin?

Many folks purchasing ActiVit multi vitamin from the company Beachbody, are pairing it with one of their active programs such as the 21-day Fix, P90X, etc. These customers are losing weight as a result of following the programs they are on but not simply from this multi vitamin alone. It definitely helps, as getting proper nutrition put back into your body after a workout is vital. The company changed the formulation of this multi vitamin from a weight loss supplement to a plain old multi vitamin for more money so just be aware of that. For a one-month supply you are going to pay nearly $40.00, which is not cheap! Keep in mind the buyers are not going to be looking to lose weight but more or less get healthy as they are losing weight.

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Is The ActiVit Vitamin Easy To Follow?

This ActiVit product is rather simple to take, as you only need 2 servings a day before your meals. What is not easy to follow is Beachbody’s billing system as you are going to be billed for three months with just one purchase. Always read the fine print with this company as there have been many complaints about the prices, and customer service department is lacking great service too. Ironically there has been side effects linked to this vitamin (which is not normal) as some people felt nauseous after taking it as well as broke out in nigh sweats like never before. Apparently they do not provide the full comprehensive ingredient list to the customer upon purchase, so be mindful when you are trying these vitamins out that a side effect or two may occur.

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ActiVit started off looking like a simple and honest multi vitamin, but what we found out was the number of unhappy customers was rather high. The back end billing system for this company is known to absolutely try and get the most money out of you possible, and their mark up on their not so special multi vitamin is out of this world. You could probably find something similar for half the price at any health food store. Many customers experience unpleasant side effects, while others were angry about the company changing the formulations of the original vitamin (more geared toward weight loss) to what it is now. The customers speak for the product, and there are some major hang-ups with the billing structure that Beachbody needs to work through if they want to keep their customers happy. Always read the fine print before you purchase any of their products, as you could be in for spending more than you bargained for.


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