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Ab Doer 360 Review

Ab Doer 360 Review
7.7 Total Score
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe ab doer 360 is an at home exercise device that is said to be lightweight, compact, and easy to have in your home. It contains a seat with two striped handles that go out on each side from left to right. It claims to help strengthen, tone, and burn fat and calories all over the body but primarily in the stomach region. The company that produces this device is also called ab doer 360, and it is sold on their main website, thane direct online, and on amazon.com just to name a few. It will cost around $199.95 not including shipping, and it comes with an instructional DVD with workouts so you are aware of how to use it from day one.

How Does The Ab Doer 360 Work?

You will stay seated the entire time you are working on this machine, and it targets the mid section but also helps sculpt the entire body. The seat swivels all around, and you will grab onto the handle bars which rest under your biceps. There is back support, and a lot os swiveling side to side and even in circular motions to engage those core muscles and back muscles.

Go side to side, or make large circles it is meant to mirror a stability ball with the movement seat. If you want to work your legs simply move them side to side and in and out for more work in those areas. The instructional DVD will show you a variety of moves you can practice to target select areas. Warning, it does look a little weird when you first see it but you can tell the muscle groups are being worked. [1]

The Bottom Line
This exercise device has the user staying seated while they swivel around, right to left and back to front. Legs can also be worked as well.
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Is The Ab Doer Safe?

If you follow the instructions the right way, you should not get hurt while using the ab doer 360. There is nothing really harmful about the device but know how to use it before jumping on it, as it does move and swivel a variety of ways. It can be used in the comfort of your own home, so always know your limits before getting any exercise machines as there is no supervision on overuse and technique.

The Ab Doer 360 has elevated bars which will align your spine and back in a safe position while making moves right to left and front to back. Improved flexibility is going to occur while using it because of how much natural stretching is occurring. While some people enjoyed the Ab Doer 360 for strength and weight loss, others complained it did strain their backs a touch so be mindful of that. [1] Lastly, there is a dual roller on each side of the bars that support the back to gently massage the outsides of the spine.

The Bottom Line
This machine is safe, but some people have mentioned that their backs are sore so make sure you are set up correctly before operating.
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Pros and Cons of The Ab Doer

As with any home exercise device, it is imperative that you watch the tutorial DVD before jumping on it, so that you do not get hurt. This can be both a pro and a con. If something is so complicated that you need to watch a DVD to understand how it works, it is not as user friendly as it could be. On the contrary it is nice that the company provides the DVD for customers. A con, it can come across as gimmicky which may be a turn off for some consumers. Another con is the price, because it costs over $200 with shipping. For those who may not know if it works or not it could be too steep of a price to pay. [2]

Lastly, another con is simply the fact that the ab doer 360 is not found in many gyms, so familiarity is non existent making a purchase less hard.

The Bottom Line
Pros and cons are generally the same.
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This ab product does more than just sculpt abs, it can really work the whole body if you use it correctly. It does come with a steep price, but compared to larger ticket items like treadmills it does not seem that expensive. Some users complained of back issues, but generally it is safe for use. It does not seem like a bad purchase, but it comes across as a little gimmicky at first look. All in all the ab doer 360 is another good option to help melt the pounds and get back into good shape.

7.7 Total Score
Ab Doer 360 Scorecard

  • Complicated to use
  • Expensive
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